Large Orders

Looking to place a large order of over £50,000?

Contact us first to get the very best price. 
We are happy to work with other resellers and can supply all gold bars on a trade/wholesale/bulk basis.
Over £25Million of stock is available at any one time and this can be sent to you fully insured in 1-2 days.

Please use one of the contact methods below to discuss your order:


Email: sales@bulliongiant.com
Call0800 433 2424
WhatsApp07747 246 247
Telegram07747 246 247

All telephone lines are open Monday – Sunday between 6am and 11pm.


I’ve bought from some of the ‘bigger’ companies out there, but the service always seemed slow and the prices were high. I came across BullionGiant and from the initial call to the order being delivered the service has been excellent.
I ordered 5KG from them in 100 Gram gold bars and the whole deal and delivery was done in literally 3 days.
Cheaper prices and great customer service. What more could anyone want.

Mrs J Thorpe

£270,000+ order value

Message us via Whatsapp

07747 246 247
We will respond to you as soon as possible

Message us via Telegram

07747 246 247
We will respond to you as soon as possible

Give us a call

0800 433 2424
Our lines are open 6am-11pm (7 days a week)

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